
- Do not raise the temperature beyond what is strictly necessary.

- To control the melting process.

- Keep the metal molten for the shortest possible time.

- Maintain the shortest possible time the furnace in a sloping position or spillage with molten metal.

- Perform the necessary strain and return the furnace to its work position.

- If it is possible, empty the furnace completely, without leaving feet of baths.

- Not desulfurize in the furnace with a silicon lining.

- Remember that in the crown:

       - Minor degree of sintering.

       - Impacts of the metallic load.

       - Regrowth of slag

- Avoid loading dirty and rusty scrap.

- To verify that the returns are exempt from moulding sand.

- To make sure that no scraps contain aluminium.

- To avoid the additions of ferrosilicon with high aluminium content.

- Abrade the furnace after every load.

- Not work with full power with low levels of bath.

- Assure that the whole load penetrates in the broth before covering the furnace.

- To verify that there are no anomalous vertical expansions in the lining.